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Spanish Translator

2017/5/22 10:15:03

  Spanish translation is one of the 12 main translation languages in Shanghai. The Spanish translation both in translation, including translation of western translation Milet and Spanish and other languages translation.
Shanghai translation company in more than 10 years of accumulated precipitation of high-quality Spanish translator team is the biggest guarantee translation of the Spanish translation quality, 80% of them are master's degree or above with at least 2 years experience in translation. The original A/B/C selected French translation, the interpreter evaluation system and the corresponding grading quotation system are the core competitiveness of the target language translation. Each client's long-term Spanish translation team members have all the real name system.
At the same time, Shanghai translation of the Spanish translation quality is also the company's professional and technical features of translation process and inseparable, companies have a very outstanding performance in Spanish Spanish translation, typesetting, localization and interpretation in spanish.